Sunday, October 12, 2014

Progress October 12

My kids are home from school this week
Even though I haven't been posting I still surprisingly have been able to work on my projects

This is a drawing on Bristol in graphite. I've been experimenting with drawing media this year and am so far happiest with graphite. Hobby Lobby had a bunch of new products I haven't tried yet. I got some of those yesterday. I am planning to work bigger and have some large sheets of Strathmore Bristol board on order. Hopefully it will arrive within a week.

I also got the chance to revisit a picture I started last year.

It's been bugging me that I haven't really gotten it to a stage I'm happy with. I was able to set aside and get back to it this morning. I am in the process of lightening it overall and removing much of the blue hue. More on this one after Tuesday.

Wednesday, October 1, 2014

Progress October 1

I think all but a few details are left to do on this one. Actually I am not too happy with this photo. The darks in real life look richer than the photo depicts. Uggh. Getting work to look good in reproduction is an unending struggle. I am going to wrap up his dark valued companion picture next and work on a drawing that is in its final stages, The goal for fall is to finish up many of my projects in progress and start some fresh new pictures.